2019 Crow Fair

2019 Crow Fair
people teaching people
Better health through a cultural approach
Messengers for Health is an Indigenous 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located on the Apsáalooke (Crow) Reservation in Montana.
OUR MISSION: Growing, fostering, and supporting trusted and respected community leaders to improve the health of Apsáalooke (Crow Indian) men, women, and children using solutions that respect and honor Apsáalooke strengths, culture, stories, and language. We utilize traditional methods of knowledge transmission, harness cultural strengths and value the guidance, knowledge, and expertise of our community members.

Messengers for Health and Cancer Support Community Montana Collaborate
On Wednesday November 6th , 2024 Messengers for Health and Cancer Support Community of Montana (CSCMT) came together and hosted the Cancer Support Community Sharing meeting in Crow Agency, MT. Crow community members were invited to attend and share their personal experiences with cancer. During this meeting Messengers for Health signed a Memorandum of Understanding to become a formal cancer resource center with CSCMT. Both organizations are excited to partner to better support all who are impacted by cancer on the Crow Reservation. Research shows that the very best cancer care includes social and emotional support, and by collaborating, the two organizations aim to address emotional and financial stress; encourage prevention and early detection, as well as treatment compliance; foster better mental and physical health; and ultimately improve quality of life and health outcomes. Often located in smaller or rural communities, CSCMT Resource Centers help facilitate referral arrangements, resource navigation and additional support in order to ensure no one goes through the challenges of cancer alone.

Sidney Fitzpatrick
Sydney (Chip) is our new Apsáalooke Elders Support Advocate.
He has a strong and respected presence in the community, from governance to law enforcement to volunteerism.
Sidney shares his positive attitude, communication and energetic skills to assist others to work hard, set goals and succeed. He is also a mentor, advocate and speaker for the Crow Reservation and surrounding communities.
Apsáalooke Elders Support Project
We are very excited about this new project!
Messengers for Health has received funding from the Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples to develop and implement a project focused on Strengthening Supports for Elders in Indigenous Communities. This funding is provided by the Cargill Foundation. This new project is titled, Apsaalooke Elders Support Project.
The project will provide community outreach, advocacy, and support services to our elders in the Apsaalooke community. We will honor our elders’ voices and allow them to share with us what support services they need. Then we will directly provide these services to them. Our hope is to bring back honor respect, and value for our elders and most importantly improve their well-being!

New - Strong Heart Project
The Strong Heart (Daasachchuchik) project will draw upon Apsáalooke cultural strengths to design and implement a trauma-informed program to better understand the impacts of historical and intergenerational trauma on tribal members.
The ultimate goal is to provide support to improve the mental and spiritual wellbeing of Apsáalooke tribal communities.
Currently, we are listening to stories of community members' experiences with trauma and mental wellbeing as well as cultural ways to begin healing from trauma.

Alma McCormick Receives Award
January 2024
Executive Director, Alma McCormick received the 2024 Outstanding Community Partner Award at the Mountain West CTR-IN Annual Meeting in Las Vegas.
Alma received this award in recognition of her significant contributions to the community-engaged research pilot project of Dr. Vanessa Simonds in promoting
healthy relationships among Apsáalooke youth.
Our Philosophy in Action!