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Baaniilaa.Messengers for Health

Báa nnilah 
Health Promotion Program

Reaching out to educate and encourage

Improving the Health and Wellness of Crow Families

Messengers for Health has expanded our programming to serve both men and women who want to learn about or improve their health. Crow community members who have been living with chronic health concerns and are doing well with their self-care will encourage others who are facing similar health challenges. Báa nnilah leaders provide real-life experience, knowledge and cultural strength for our Crow brothers and sisters that may not be available in most medical services.


This program is free for any Crow men, women, adolescents and elders who want to learn about or improve their health.


It consists of a total of 7 gatherings. Participants will attend all 7 gatherings which include a free meal. Family members are welcomed to be involved and attend the gatherings.


  • Gain knowledge and tools for healthy living and self-care to improve your quality of life.

  • Share and apply Crow cultural strengths to improve the health of our community.

  • Learn about nutrition and physical and emotional health through hands-on activities.

  • Gain support and help from program staff and other participants to apply what is learned to your self-care.


Alma McCormick and Lucille Other Medicine are leading the Báa nnilah program. Messengers for Health is collaborating with all tribal entities, MSU - Bozeman and One Health in Hardin.

  • 8% of community members who took part in the program said that they feel more hopeful.

  • 79% said they are drinking more water.

  • 60% said they have better communication with their doctor.

  • 59% said they have better relationships with their spouse or other family members.

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Sign up for our Báa nnilah Program

Thanks for registering! A staff member will contact you soon.

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This program was the catalyst for so many positive things in my life. I have since built an extended therapy and health community around me that I am involved in on a daily basis.


Gave me a new sense of purpose. So many good things.

I know I can always call upon

"Messengers for Health" if I ever need help. I am a healthier person for all the help and information they have shared with all of us. 

Definitely an oasis in our community!!!!



I don't feel alone...

I gained friendships, trust in those that we share some same experiences.


It takes a community to learn & teach from each other.”

I have more confidence in myself.  It helps to know someone is like me. 


I feel more confident talking with my doctor.

The Báa nnilah program has received support from

  • Improving Chronic Illness Management with the Apsáalooke Nation: The Báa nnilah Project, National Institutes of Health (NIH), U01MD010619

  • Montana Healthcare Foundation

  • The Mountain West Clinical Translational Research Program, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH 1U54GM104944

  • Montana INBRE, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH, P20GM103474

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